“On Being the Protagonist of an Environmental Justice Documentary.” Review of Alexander Glustrom’s Mossville: When Great Trees Fall. Entropy. March 2020. Web.

“On Being the Protagonist of an Environmental Justice Documentary.” Review of Alexander Glustrom’s Mossville: When Great Trees Fall. Entropy. March 2020. Web.

“De-Melanization Procedure: A Conversation with Maurice Carlos Ruffin.” The Los Angeles Review of Books, May 2019.

“De-Melanization Procedure: A Conversation with Maurice Carlos Ruffin.” The Los Angeles Review of Books, May 2019.

“Look at Your Game, Girl.” Review of Emma Cline’s The Girls. The Los Angeles Review of Books, June 2016.

“Look at Your Game, Girl.” Review of Emma Cline’s The Girls. The Los Angeles Review of Books, June 2016.

"Grief and Transformation." Review of Paul Lisicky’s The Narrow Door. The Los Angeles Review of Books, Feb. 2016.

"Grief and Transformation." Review of Paul Lisicky’s The Narrow Door. The Los Angeles Review of Books, Feb. 2016.